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New in the Hole


Where does the time go. It seems like only last month I was updating this site. Well new today is a wallpaper featuring a character from the Clamp manga Clover. Enjoy.



WOW! It's been close to a month since the last update and what do I have so show for it ONE wall. Oh well, maybe be more next time and hopefully next time will be a little sooner and usher in a new layout. This wall features Mierelle from Noir in a cool green grunge piece. Enjoy.



This week's wall features Shiki from Samurai Shodown 64. I love the character designs, and this character is one of the better ones. A badass ninja chic with a full body snake tattoo, enough said. Also I've updated the links. You should check out this great font site KatGirl's Fountain of Youth. She has some very creative and wacky fonts.



This is a huge update even though I'm only adding one wall. So much has change. Just take a look around. I've changed all the graphics and changed the way the wallpaper page looks. Also I've add a guestbook and tweaked a few other things. Oh and the wall. It's an Azumanga Daioh wall. This is a really funny series that you should watch if you can find it. Oh and this is the first wall available in a size larger than 1024x768. Well enjoy and sign the guessbook. Please.


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